Frequently Asked Questions
Does a hair transplant hurt?
Many people believe that a hair transplant is going to be very painful. At Look Natural Hair Restoration we prioritize your comfort and are happy to report that most patients experience minimal to mild pain, at most. The surgery itself is painless, as it is performed under local anesthetic. Mild discomfort may be experienced from the initial injection of the anesthetic. Once that is complete, the procedure itself will feel relatively painless.
Does a hair transplant leave a scar?
While not generally noticeable, it is important to note that FUT and FUE hair transplants do leave scars. These scars are present on the donor site where the hair follicles have been removed during surgery.
FUT leaves a linear scar, where a strip of donor tissue has been removed. However, this tends to be covered when the remaining hair in the donor area grows back to a longer length.
FUE leaves small, dot-like scars where each graft has been removed. FUE is a great choice for those who prefer a shaved look on the sides and back of their hair, as it is less noticeable.
Which is better: FUT or FUE?
FUT and FUE are excellent options for long term hair restoration. At Look Natural Hair Restoration, we work with you to understand and establish which procedure suits you best based on your goals and unique situation.
FUE provides a moderate increase in hair density and has the benefit of allowing patients to wear short, closer-shaved hairstyles after the surgery. It does not leave a linear scar, however, it does require the patient to shave their head for the surgery.
FUE is a great option for patients who don’t mind a linear scar and desire a higher increase in hair density. The linear scar is only visible if you choose to wear your hair very short.
Are hair transplant results permanent?
A hair transplant is a permanent solution in that the follicles which are transplanted should continue growing new hairs for the duration of the patient’s life. However, sometimes, a second surgery or even further surgical solutions are required. This is because the original hair in and around the recipient site will continue to thin over time as hair loss is a progressive process. More grafts may be required to supplement the previous ones.
Will my head be shaved for hair restoration surgery?
FUE involves partially shaving the back and sides of the head to a short stubble. This depends on which area is chosen as the donor site. Many patients simply choose to completely shave the back and sides, and so their shaved head appears to be a style choice.
FUT does not involve shaving any part of the head, however, a thin strip of tissue is taken from the donor site.
What is the recovery time for a hair transplant?
We recommend 48 hours of rest for everybody following a procedure. If the patient’s job isn’t very physical, around 2-3 days after the operation they are ready to return to work although scabs might still be visible. For people with jobs that require a lot of heavy lifting or exertion, we recommend waiting 4-5 days until returning to work. Within 2-3 weeks, the hair from the transplanted follicles will fall out as the follicles enter a dormant phase and from there, patients start to see new growth within the first 3-4 months. Read more about hair transplant recovery, here.
Are women candidates for transplants?
Women also have a lot of potential as hair transplant candidates and often achieve excellent results. Many women choose to undergo FUT hair transplant surgery since it doesn’t require the head to be shaved, and their remaining long hair can easily cover the scar.
What are the cost and finance options?
A hair transplant is often an incredibly worthwhile investment. For this reason, we work with Care Credit, and offer 12 months interest-free repayment plans.
The cost of the procedure is dependent on a few different factors, including the size of the hair transplant area, the number grafts required, the method used (FUT or FUE), and more. Reach out to us today to understand more about your options and pricing.
Am I put under general anesthesia?
No. The anesthesia is local and administered as an injection around the donor and recipient sites.
How Long Does a Hair Transplant Take?
Depending on the number of grafts, a hair transplant can usually be completed within 4-8 hours. It’s a one-day process with many of our patients being pleasantly surprised at how quickly the entire procedure can be completed in our relaxing and revitalizing facility