The healing ability of low-level-laser therapy (LLLT) was first discovered by NASA in the 1960s and was used to accelerate the healing of wounds in space. Utilizing the power of this exciting innovation, we are also able to promote fantastic regrowth of hair.
LLLT is also referred to as red light therapy or cold laser therapy. It irradiates photons into scalp tissue, which is absorbed by weak cells and encourages hair growth. The idea is that low-dose laser treatments promote circulation and stimulation which encourages the follicles to grow hair.
At Look Natural Hair Restoration, we offer you the Capillus 272 Pro Mobile Laser Therapy Cap, which promotes hair regrowth and prevents hair loss. Capillus is the industry’s first FDA- cleared laser therapy cap for hair regrowth.
We also offer in-facility LLLT hair regrowth treatment, with the Capillus 272 Office Pro. This option is the premier choice for those looking to achieve hair regrowth in our bespoke facility. Here, you benefit from instant access and personalized care from Look Natural Hair Restoration’s team of medical professionals.