Surprise birthday parties are really fun. Surprise hair loss? Not so much. 

No matter what your age or gender, it can be jarring to wake up one day and realize your hair looks suspiciously thinner. It’s even more frustrating when you’re unable to pinpoint the source of unexpected hair loss. After all, how will you know if hair restoration is right for you if the culprit behind your hair loss remains unknown?

Even if the cause of your hair loss remains a mystery, don’t panic. Hair loss can stem from several different sources – most of which can be treated with hair restoration procedures! 

Here’s Why You May Be Losing Hair

  • It could be hereditary. 

Hereditary hair loss, medically known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss worldwide for both men and women. It’s typically referred to as male or female pattern hair loss. In men, hereditary hair loss usually manifests itself in the form of a receding hairline; in women, you’ll notice a widening part or thinning of your hair volume.

Luckily, androgenic alopecia is treatable via hair restoration processes. Androgenic alopecia patients may seek a follicular unit extraction (FUE), which involves taking individual follicles from a donor site on the scalp and implanting them into the areas experiencing hair loss. Other options include micropigmentation, a non-surgical procedure that creates the appearance of a thick head of hair with thousands of microdots tattooed on the scalp. 

  • You could have alopecia areata.

Alopecia areata is a disease in which the immune system attacks its own hair follicles and makes the hair fall out. Alopecia areata can affect not just the scalp but anywhere there’s hair, such as the beard or brows. (Thankfully, there are beard and eyebrow restoration procedures that can help mitigate this!)

  • You had COVID-19.

As if COVID-19 wasn’t scary enough! Along with a host of other unpleasant side effects, coronavirus infections can cause people to lose hair after they’ve recovered. Over 20% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 lose hair in the 3 to 6 months after discharge, according to a January 2021 study. Thankfully, the hair does begin to grow back. Hair restoration treatments typically aren’t needed in this scenario, but be sure to nourish yourself with plenty of vitamins and minerals to support your hair regrowth in the months after your infection.

  • You recently gave birth. 

New moms may wonder why their luscious pregnancy locks are suddenly falling out postpartum. Rest assured that hair loss after childbirth is perfectly normal.

During pregnancy, the body produces higher levels of estrogen, which prevent the usual rates of hair loss. Once the baby is born and hormone levels drop back down to normal, new mothers can shed up to 400 hairs per day. This contributes to the appearance of thinning hair.

Postpartum alopecia usually lasts around 4-5 months after giving birth. But if you’re still not noticing signs of hair regrowth after the 6-month mark, you may want to consider non-surgical restoration options. Micropigmentation is a great nonpermanent solution.

  • Your hair care routine may be too harsh.

We love a good updo as much as the next person, but sometimes all that hairstyling can backfire. If you wear your hair up most days, all that tugging and tightness could cause your hair to fall out. Likewise, using hair products with harsh chemicals could also cause unexpected hair loss. Be mindful of how you style your hair, and opt for gentler products whenever possible.

  • Hormonal imbalances could be at play.

Hormonal imbalances can occur in people who stop taking birth control pills, as well as in people who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This condition causes cysts on the ovaries as well as other symptoms, including hair loss. Restoring hormone balances with medical treatments will help reverse hair loss.

  • The thyroid could be acting up.

Some people who experience thyroid problems also notice signs of thinning hair. Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid hormone levels, can frequently contribute to hair loss. Talking to your doctor to assess your thyroid gland can help pinpoint whether it’s the cause of hair loss, too. 

No matter what the cause of your hair loss, Look Natural Hair Restoration is here to provide expert guidance and support in navigating the solutions that best suit your needs. Get in touch today to learn how we can help you!

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